JISC - Professor Rob Darnton JISC/SCONUL lecture - Q&A on the DPLA Jisc 49:58 11 years ago 130 Далее Скачать
JISC - Professor Rob Darnton JISC/SCONUL lecture - Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) Jisc 1:03:33 11 years ago 387 Далее Скачать
JISC Inform exclusive UK interview: Professor Robert Darnton (Director of the Harvard University) Jisc 1:15 12 years ago 376 Далее Скачать
JISC Inform - Robert Darnton - How are you working in partnership with public and private bodies? Jisc 0:41 11 years ago 25 Далее Скачать
JISC Inform - Robert Darnton - What stumbling blocks have you faced? Jisc 1:32 11 years ago 16 Далее Скачать
JISC Inform - Robert Darnton - What's your advice to the UK on how to build a digital library? Jisc 1:25 11 years ago 29 Далее Скачать
Robert Darnton - Breaking the Wall of Inaccessible Knowledge @Falling Walls 2011 Falling Walls Foundation 21:15 12 years ago 316 Далее Скачать
Darnton at Dartmouth: 'Digitizing Dartmouth's Treasures' Dartmouth 1:32 12 years ago 224 Далее Скачать
Flip 2010 - Sobremesa: Robert Darnton Flip - Festa Literária Internacional de Paraty 1:22 14 years ago 922 Далее Скачать
Libraries as Time Machines: Professor Robert Darnton StJohnsCollegeOxford 47:51 2 months ago 205 Далее Скачать